This is the agenda of the day:
06.00 am - Departure from Kinoteatri, Vlora
06.40 am - picking up some of the students near QTU, Fier
09.30 am - arrival at American Embassy, Tirana
09.40-10.20 - quick coffee and refreshment at the nearest cafe'
10.30 am - being ready to go through security at Embassy's entrance
10.30-11.25 - going through security (where we will be required to leave all cellphones, ipods, cameras, etc.)
11.30-12.30 - meeting with Ambassador Withers
13.00 - Trip to Dajti Mountain
We were a group of 40 students meeting Mr. Ambasodor John Withers on April 8 2010. It was a really pleasure for me. There were some question for Mr. Ambasador and those questions were:
1- What is the key of your success as American Ambassador in Albania?
" It is easy to be an Ambassador in Albania. The reason is because the relationship between Albania and America has been easy. My college has to be worried about elections in Venezuela because a candidate is pro America and another is anti in Albania. I`m not worried because whoever win would be pro America. During election night i sleep very quiet. The easiest is the public opinion. Albanians are favorable disposed. in other country's i don`t get necessarily gifts. Here in Albania i get the hospitably so soon and so fast."
2- Was difficult for you to adopt with Albanian culture?
" I have lived in different countries and it wasn`t so easy. Here children are very opened and even at a young age you can find friends. the hospitality here has come so early , in other country's it comes more formally."
3-Can you give us the features of American culture?
"There are a lot of elements i`m proud of:
a-democracy, for Americans democracy is not just a system but a system of believe. Is almost the state of mind
b-egalitarianism, Americans believe that we should be judged for ourselves quality not for others quality. A person with ability can be equal
c-individualism, we have got some original tendencies. If you ask Amy from Minnesota she would probably say the best words for it. Although they have personal believes they are proud of the country they come from"
4-What do you expect from a good interpreter?
" I have been fortunate here because i have two interpreters Fredy and Bruna. What he appreciats in them is that they are not looking my English words but the meaning. When I gave a speech is not important what I said but what you hear"
5- How do you think Albania is adopting democracy?
" In Albania i see a lot of progress toward democracy. It is based upon a couple of concepts on the diversity of opinion to get your ideas and get the best for all the place. Albania is moving forward, is progressing. Here I`m surprised that young people don`t exert their opinion to their superiors. Of course it can happen here but it takes a lot of movements and activity, it is entirely in your hands. You are the future, insist on it."
6-Which is your advice for the students of English branch?
" To work absolutely as hard as you can."
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