Welcome to the ENG 263 Course Blog

Welcome to the ENG 263 Studies in the American Culture, Spring 2010 course blog.

Please feel free to express your impressions, views and opinions based on what has been happening during class.

The Blog is open to all who wish to participate in a respectful exchange of thoughts, ideas, positions, proposals, and anything else that comes up as long as the subject is about the issues that concern the U.S. culture as a whole.

Nevertheless, I must ask the authors to identify themselves at all times.

I hope you enjoy this education experience.

E. Prifti, Course Instructor



When we had the lesson that we talked about drinking we had a special guest that was amy's mum.We talked a lot with her about drinking and food but much we talked about coffee.
She said to us that she her coffeehouse 4 years ago that is called Lulubeans caffee shop.this coffee shop offers a lot o rooms. Each day they had seven different fresh caffees and offer other things like:coffee.swedish coffee,lattes,mochas chai,hot chocolates,asorted teas ect.
We made some questions to her like:1-Which is mor popular tea or coffee?She said that tea is becoming popular but coffee is more popular.
2-Which is the most popular coffee?She said that the most popular coffee is filtered coffee.
3-In most of the cases when people drink coffee?She said that people drink coffee mostly in the morning.
4-Which is the typical meal in their home?She said that was hot dishes,she liked to cook.
She said that the diference between a caffeteria and a coffee is that a cafeteria is a small lunch restaurant in high school and a caffee is where you drink caffee.


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