Welcome to the ENG 263 Course Blog

Welcome to the ENG 263 Studies in the American Culture, Spring 2010 course blog.

Please feel free to express your impressions, views and opinions based on what has been happening during class.

The Blog is open to all who wish to participate in a respectful exchange of thoughts, ideas, positions, proposals, and anything else that comes up as long as the subject is about the issues that concern the U.S. culture as a whole.

Nevertheless, I must ask the authors to identify themselves at all times.

I hope you enjoy this education experience.

E. Prifti, Course Instructor


UV Students Meet with US Ambassador John Withers

On Thursday, April 8th, 2010, 40 students from the University of Vlora were given the unique opportunity to meet with US Ambassador John L. Withers II,  confirmed by the US Senate as United States Ambassador to Albania on June 28, 2007. 

Students from ENG 263: Studies in the American Culture and ENG 276: Interpretation courses with professor Mrs Erida Prifti met for more than an hour of friendly conversation with Ambassador John Withers II, during which the Ambassador answered student questions about American culture and his everyday collaboration with interpreters.

The two courses that these English language students are taking this Spring semester, Studies in the American Culture and Interpretation, are being enriched with activities aided by members of the Peace Corps Organization living in Albania, especially Ms Amy Fladeboe, who is Vlora's Peace Corps volunteer for English education.  Professor Amy Fladeboe taught at UV during the academic year 2008-2009 and is still contributing enormously to the University's academic community. Such activities include inviting guest speakers to share their experiences and points of view as American nationals during class and  more notably, helping to coordinate this educational opportunity to meet with Ambassador John Withers II.

The students from the Department of Languages represented the Ismail Qemali University of Vlora with great dignity, admirable skill, and remarkable politeness and civility at the meeting with Ambassador Withers, rendering their dialogue with the Ambassador a pleasant and memorable experience. They asked questions about the key to the Ambassador’s success as a diplomat, about the three aspects of the US culture worthy to be put in a "time box" for the future, about the Ambassadors’ expectations of a good interpreter, and even a request for a word of advice to UV students. The answers received were thoughtful, deep and full of fatherly wisdom by Ambassador Withers.

The students and their professor showed warm appreciation for the Ambassador’s time and the significant imprints he left in the minds and hearts of the students in attendance. The Ambassador graciously accepted the students remarks of gratitude and the symbolic gift they had prepared for him, which contained Ismail Kadare's "Chronicle in Stone" translated into English by the respected writer and translator Arshi Pipa, as well as a piece of hand-made wood art representing our Albanian flag. The students had also put all their signatures on a beautifully framed pergamena with a thank you note written on it. At the end, the Ambassador took the time to take individual pictures with each of the 40 students, as well as the staff members. 

The IR Officer Mr. Erald Pelari, who was also accompanying the group of students, on behalf of the Rectorate of the University of Vlora extended to the Ambassador an official invitation to be the honored guest at the UV Graduation Ceremony in July 2010.

E. Prifti

What we have done up to now in te american culture?

1-first impression
2-dominant u.s american values
3-american cocultures
4-american family life
5-american social life
6-american religious life
7-food and food costumes
9-american civic life
10-american business life
11-educating your children
12-twenty first century issues

We have had a lot of guests,and a lot of good moments with them.Here they are:
1-metting with the regional people
2-metting with religious people
3-metting with the ambassador JOHN WITHERS
4-metting Carrien that talked about food
5-metting with Amy's mum,Laure that talked about coffee
6-metting with Andree C. Fee that talked about civic life
7-the metting with Jeny that talked about education.
This was a course with a lot of events for us.A very big big thankyou to proff ERIDA, she is our pride.


When we had the lesson that we talked about drinking we had a special guest that was amy's mum.We talked a lot with her about drinking and food but much we talked about coffee.
She said to us that she her coffeehouse 4 years ago that is called Lulubeans caffee shop.this coffee shop offers a lot o rooms. Each day they had seven different fresh caffees and offer other things like:coffee.swedish coffee,lattes,mochas chai,hot chocolates,asorted teas ect.
We made some questions to her like:1-Which is mor popular tea or coffee?She said that tea is becoming popular but coffee is more popular.
2-Which is the most popular coffee?She said that the most popular coffee is filtered coffee.
3-In most of the cases when people drink coffee?She said that people drink coffee mostly in the morning.
4-Which is the typical meal in their home?She said that was hot dishes,she liked to cook.
She said that the diference between a caffeteria and a coffee is that a cafeteria is a small lunch restaurant in high school and a caffee is where you drink caffee.

Trip to the American Embassy: Agenda of the Day

This is the agenda of the day:
06.00 am - Departure from Kinoteatri, Vlora
06.40 am - picking up some of the students near QTU, Fier
09.30 am - arrival at American Embassy, Tirana
09.40-10.20 - quick coffee and refreshment at the nearest cafe'
10.30 am - being ready to go through security at Embassy's entrance
10.30-11.25 - going through security (where we will be required to leave all cellphones, ipods, cameras, etc.)
11.30-12.30 -  meeting with Ambassador Withers
13.00 - Trip to Dajti Mountain

Anisa Ismailaj




Anisa Ismailaj

The meeting with the Ambassador John Withers was such a great opportunity for me, because it helped me so much as a student of English brunch. By the way, lets mention some of the questions we made him.
1-Which is the key of your admiral success?Its easy to be an Ambassador in Albania because of the relationships between U.S and Albania that has been very good and also because the relationship became quiet easy to handle. The people of Albania are very favourably and its very asy to be an Ambassador.
2-hich are some of the elements that you like most? One is democracy which is a system of beliefs and a state of mind.Egalitarianism. We believe that any person ought to have opportunity to succeed. Obama, the President of America, came from a very modest family and he came in that moment when people failed.
3- What do you expect from a good interpreter?Interpreters in Albania give the meaning or the real mind. every American in Americagets a speech in corruption.Nose speeches were generic.If you want to have an impact on audience, you will make a good impression by a speech.Its not what you say. but what you hear.
4-How do you think Albania is adapted in democracy?We can see all manners, institutions which contribute to democracy.Democracy is a very unusual form of government based on the diversity.The government is the power by the concept of the leadership.
5- Which is your advice for the students of English brunch here in Albania? Work as hard as you can. The demand for people skill is going to be huge.We are at the perfect stage and age to develop our skills.

Panel of Seven Regional Speakers

We have organized a panel of guest speakers from different regions of the United States for Wednesday 31 March, 2010. The panelists are:
  • Brett from Arizona
  • Travis from Texas
  • Rebecca from Colorado
  • Allan from New York
  • Stephanie from Alabama
  • Meghan from Washington
  • Amy from Minnesota
You must be prepared to participate in the discussion about Chapter 4: American Social Life, which deals with: Friendships, Parties, Invitations, Announcements, When to Arrive and Leave, Drinking Alcohol, Dinner in a Home, Relationships between Men and Women.
Prepare 3 questions on the above topics for the guest speakers and try to get an answer for at least one (since the time will be limited).
Take notes of the guest speakers' answers to your questions and/or any reflections you may have during the discussion.
Your notes will consist of:
  • the names of the guest speakers,
  • the region they come from,
  • any first impressions you may have for each of them (differences in accent, etc)
  • your question/questions
  • the answer/answers you received
  • any thoughts you may have on what is being discussed.
I expect everyone to write their personal observations on the Course Blog within Saturday 3 April, 2010, 12.00 pm. After this deadline, I will start assigning points to each of you for class participation, based on the quality of your postings.

anisa ismailaj

1- What is American food?
American food includes hamburger, hotdog, sandwich.
2-Are these foods really American?
Hamburger is Turkish, hotdog is German and sandwich was brought in America with colonist.
70% of American over55 eat breakfast, 54% over 18-54 eat other food such as eggs, bacon etc.
4-Brunch is a combination meal used for weekends.
5-Lunch. People eat lunch away from home, workers eat out of pack, students eat at school.
6-What is for dinner?Meal of the day and many families cook dinner.
7-Dinner foods are steak, chicken, vegetables etc.
8-Snacks. Americans eat small things much on fruits,chips between meals.
9-What influences Americans eating food habits?
Time, money, family size, age, social activity, religion.
Some of the question that we made to the Ambassador were:
1-Mr.Ambassador what is the key of your succes as the ambassador of the U.S.A in Albania?

Its easy to be an Ambassador in Albania. The chief reason is the good relationship between countries.
I don't have to be worry of who will won in the election or the contracts.
The public opinion is very posed to collaborate and grateful.

2-Mr.Ambassador it is difficult to fit in the Albania culture?And what value of our country do you appriciate more?

I have lived in some countrys Africa, asia, and europe and each country i have been they have treated me very well.
The hospitality and generosity is what I appriciate more.
You feel you are welcome. The ability to make people from abord to feel well.

3-Wich is the American value that you appriciate more?

-democracy: is not just a system but a system of mind.
Is not perfect but is the best that we have.
-egalitarianism: we believe we should be juged by our values and to be equal with everybody.
-individualism: people feel very proud of their origin.
people use to see you as an individ.

4-What is a good interpreter for you?
I have been fortunate here because i have two interpreters Fredy and Bruna. What i appreciate in them is that they have a real talent. They are not looking my English words but the meaning. When I gave a speech is not important what I said but what you hear" The interpreter should construct a bridge between languages. The interpreter should make the speech more interesting in the hearer and to impact on it.

5-What is your opinion about democracy in Albania?

I notice a good progress in institutions and all this made function to democracy.
The decisions are made according to the constittute.
Sometimes is not efficient because the leader sometimes don't accept some concept. Am surprised that you the young generation don't express your opinion throught the media.
All things will improve and people should do more about this issue.
- Kt Gustafson she live in Rreshen and its Baptist (emergent)
-Dylan Bycr he live in Peshkopi its protestant non-denominational(Episcopalian)and he study theology
-Amanda Doll she live in Librazhd is catholic
-Trevis Sabran live in Vlore is Jewish/catholic (religious studies) secular
The question that we made to the guests were:
1-when two people get married and they have different religious view, what’s the relationship between them?
Amanda: if one of the spouses is catholic the other spouse must be converted in catholic to marry him or her, but for me it’s not very important, he can do what he want.

Dylan: it’s not problem if someone is catholic or jewish, I knew the parents of my friend, her father is jewish and her mother is catholic and they grew up their family as Jewish
K.T: I knew some people that were divorced and the reason was religious, but for me its not problem if he is catholic or not.

2-which is the religious position towards homosexuals?
Dylan: for me its not problem if someone is gay, lesbian or homosexual.

Amanda: is different for me and is different for the church, for me its no problem, but for the church is not allowed, you can be a gay but you cant practice the catholic religion.

trevis:hinduism is religion derived from india, its conservative and doesn’t let the homosexuals, Buddhism also derived from India.

K.T: Is the same as Amanda.

3 -how much the religion influence on you?

Trevis: on me zero.

Dylan: on me a little bit, Ican say 70%.

Amanda: on me a little because my father was prist before his marriage with my mum.

This meeting was so great and I feel very well when we have guests, is so nice and special for me that we can learn and we can understand much better the life in American. I hope to have another chance to have guests like Dylan, Amanda, Trevis and Kt.

we meet some guests from America and we have a good conversation with them.

the guests were from:

- Kt Gustafson she live in Rreshen and its Baptist (emergent)

-Dylan Bycr he live in Peshkopi its protestant non-denominational(Episcopalian)and he study theology

-Amanda Doll she live in Librazhd is catholic

-Trevis Sabran live in Vlore is Jewish/catholic (religious studies) secular

The question that we made to the guests were:

1-when two people get married and they have different religious view, what’s the relationship between them?

Amanda: if one of the spouses is catholic the other spouse must be converted in catholic to marry him or her, but for me it’s not very important, he can do what he want.

Dylan: it’s not problem if someone is catholic or jewish, I knew the parents of my friend, her father is jewish and her mother is catholic and they grew up their family as Jewish


K.T: I knew some people that were divorced and the reason was religious, but for me its not problem if he is catholic or not.

2-which is the religious position towards homosexuals?

Dylan: for me its not problem if someone is gay, lesbian or homosexual.

Amanda: is different for me and is different for the church, for me its no problem, but for the church is not allowed, you can be a gay but you cant practice the catholic religion.

trevis:hinduism is religion derived from india, its conservative and doesn’t let the homosexuals, Buddhism also derived from India.

K.T: Is the same as Amanda.

3 -how much the religion influence on you?

Trevis: on me zero.

Dylan: on me a little bit, Ican say 70%.

Amanda: on me a little because my father was prist before his marriage with my mum.

This meeting was so great and I feel very well when we have guests, is so nice and special for me that we can learn and we can understand much better the life in American. I hope to have another chance to have guests like Dylan, Amanda, Trevis and Kt.

-According to a 2005 ABC News Poll over 70% of Americans over 55 eat breakfast
-the most popular breakfast foods in America is cold cereal
-other breakfast foods: eggs, bacon, sausage, pancakes, toast, fruit, bagels

combination meat, usually reserved for weekend, special occasions, holidays
-social meal, we don`t usual eat brunch alone

-according to a 2006 USA Today Poll more than half American workers have less 30 minute to eat lunch
-lunch food, salads, sandwiches, soups, quick easy, portable foods
-quick, mid-day meal usually eaten away from home
-workers eat out or pack
-students eat at school or pack

the final and the biggest meal of the day: more often eaten as a group than lunch or breakfast
-a 2005 CBS survey found that 39% of American family's with children under 18 eat dinner together seven nights a week, while 90%eat together
-many families cook dinner, but it is also not uncommon to eat out especial for individuals young people
-for dinner foods can be many different thing. Steak, potatoes, chicken, and vegetables are common, but many people also cook Asian, Italian and Mexican dishes

-Americans often eat small thing, such as fruit, yogurt, cheese, chips, cookies nuts and pretzels between meals
-sometimes American skip meals altogether and eat small things all day long

eating out
-according to a 2005 CBS survey only 43% of Americans cook at home six to seven nights a week
-eating out is usually more expensive than cooking at home
-Americans can try ethnic restaurant including Chinese, Indian, Japanese, Lebanese, Italian, Mexicans and French


-According to a 2005 ABC News Poll over 70% of Americans over 55 eat breakfast
-the most popular breakfast foods in America is cold cereal
-other breakfast foods: eggs, bacon, sausage, pancakes, toast, fruit, bagels

combination meat, usually reserved for weekend, special occasions, holidays
-social meal, we don`t usual eat brunch alone

-according to a 2006 USA Today Poll more than half American workers have less 30 minute to eat lunch
-lunch food, salads, sandwiches, soups, quick easy, portable foods
-quick, mid-day meal usually eaten away from home
-workers eat out or pack
-students eat at school or pack

the final and the biggest meal of the day: more often eaten as a group than lunch or breakfast
-a 2005 CBS survey found that 39% of American family's with children under 18 eat dinner together seven nights a week, while 90%eat together
-many families cook dinner, but it is also not uncommon to eat out especial for individuals young people
-for dinner foods can be many different thing. Steak, potatoes, chicken, and vegetables are common, but many people also cook Asian, Italian and Mexican dishes

-Americans often eat small thing, such as fruit, yogurt, cheese, chips, cookies nuts and pretzels between meals
-sometimes American skip meals altogether and eat small things all day long

Eating out
-according to a 2005 CBS survey only 43% of Americans cook at home six to seven nights a week
-eating out is usually more expensive than cooking at home
-Americans can try ethnic restaurant including Chinese, Indian, Japanese, Lebanese, Italian, Mexicans and French
The meeting with Ambassador of U.S.A was a great chance that i have in all my life was so special.
we make some questions at the Mr.Ambassador and he talk to us very nice and very freely.I feel very well in this meeting that is so special for all the students. Some of the question that we made to the Ambassador were:

1-Mr.Ambassador what is the key of your succes as the ambassador of the U.S.A in Albania?

Its easy to be an Ambassador in Albania. The chief reason is the good relationship between countries.
I don't have to be worry of who will won in the election or the contracts.
The public opinion is very posed to collaborate and grateful.

2-Mr.Ambassador it is difficult to fit in the Albania culture?And what value of our country do you appriciate more?

I have lived in some countrys Africa, asia, and europe and each country i have been they have treated me very well.
The hospitality and generosity is what I appriciate more.
You feel you are welcome. The ability to make people from abord to feel well.

3-Wich is the American value that you appriciate more?

-democracy: is not just a system but a system of mind.
Is not perfect but is the best that we have.
-egalitarianism: we believe we should be juged by our values and to be equal with everybody.
-individualism: people feel very proud of their origin.
people use to see you as an individ.

4-What is a good interpreter for you?
I have been fortunate here because i have two interpreters Fredy and Bruna. What i appreciate in them is that they have a real talent. They are not looking my English words but the meaning. When I gave a speech is not important what I said but what you hear" The interpreter should construct a bridge between languages. The interpreter should make the speech more interesting in the hearer and to impact on it.

5-What is your opinion about democracy in Albania?

I notice a good progress in institutions and all this made function to democracy.
The decisions are made according to the constittute.
Sometimes is not efficient because the leader sometimes don't accept some concept. Am surprised that you the young generation don't express your opinion throught the media.
All things will improve and people should do more about this issue.
On 7 April we have some guest from America and we made some questions about religious life in America. The guests were :
- Kt Gustafson she live in Rreshen and its Baptist (emergent)
-Dylan Bycr he live in Peshkopi its protestant non-denominational(Episcopalian)and he study theology
-Amanda Doll she live in Librazhd is catholic
-Trevis Sabran live in Vlore is Jewish/catholic (religious studies) secular
The question that we made to the guests were:
1-when two people get married and they have different religious view, what’s the relationship between them?
Amanda: if one of the spouses is catholic the other spouse must be converted in catholic to marry him or her, but for me it’s not very important, he can do what he want.

Dylan: it’s not problem if someone is catholic or jewish, I knew the parents of my friend, her father is jewish and her mother is catholic and they grew up their family as Jewish
K.T: I knew some people that were divorced and the reason was religious, but for me its not problem if he is catholic or not.

2-which is the religious position towards homosexuals?
Dylan: for me its not problem if someone is gay, lesbian or homosexual.

Amanda: is different for me and is different for the church, for me its no problem, but for the church is not allowed, you can be a gay but you cant practice the catholic religion.

trevis:hinduism is religion derived from india, its conservative and doesn’t let the homosexuals, Buddhism also derived from India.

K.T: Is the same as Amanda.

3 -how much the religion influence on you?

Trevis: on me zero.

Dylan: on me a little bit, Ican say 70%.

Amanda: on me a little because my father was prist before his marriage with my mum.

This meeting was so great and I feel very well when we have guests, is so nice and special for me that we can learn and we can understand much better the life in American. I hope to have another chance to have guests like Dylan, Amanda, Trevis and Kt.

We have e meeting with Carrien and we discussed with her about the food in America.
What is "American" food?
Hamburger ,hot dog,sandwich
- The same poll found that smert popular breakfast food in America is cold cereal.
-Other breakfast foods :-eggs,bacan,sauage,pancake,yougurt,toast,fruit,daughnuts.
-Social meal-they don`t usually eat brunch alone.
-Brunch food includes typical branch food.
-Combination meal,usually reserved for weekends,special occasions holidays etc.
Quick,mid-day meal usually eaten away from home .
-Workers eat out- or pack
-Students eat at school or pack.
-According to a 2006 USA Today poll,more workers have less 30min to eat lunch.
-Lunch food :salads,sandwiches ,soups,-quick easy,portable foods.
Whats for dinner ?
The final and biggest meal of the day-more often eaten as a group than brunch or breakfast. Families with children under 18 eat dinner together seven night a week , while 90% eat together at least once a week .
Many families cook dinner but it also not uncommon to eat out,especially for individuals young people.
Dinner foods can be many different things.Steak potatoes, chicken and vegetables are common but many people also cook Asian,Italian and Mexican dishes.
Sometimes Americans skip meals altogether and eat small thing all day long such as fruit,yogurt,cheese,chips.

According to a 2005 CBS survey only 43%of American cook at home six to seven night a week
Eating out is usually more expensive than cooking at home.
Americans can try ethnic restaurants.
What influences Americans eating habits.
.Time .Social activity
.Money .Family size
.Age . Ethnic diversity

We had a meeting with 4 American people.We discussed with them about the religions life.We made them questions and they answered to us.The invitees were :

KT Gustafson (christian)
Dylan Byrel(protestant)
Amanda Doll(catholic)
Travis Sabran (jewish)

1-First question.
When 2 people get married and have different religious views,what is the relationship between them?
KT:-I know some people which are divorced because of religion.I can`t married someone that isn`t christians
Amanda:In catholicism the religion is very important if you want to married with someone.If one of the spouses is catholic ,the other spouse must convert in catholic if they want to marry.They can`t force someone to go to church.But for me it doesn`t matter.
-Dylan:Same people don`t live with religious. The religious isn`t very important in their life .This things does not disturb them.

2-Are the homesexuals in your religion?
KT -Is aceptable for everyone to have boyfriend or girlfriend of the same sex.
Amanda -You can be homosexual but you can`t practise it.
Dylan-The homosexual married are aceptable.
Travis -Everyone have different opinion about homosexuality.They have individual culture.

3-How much do the religion influence on you?
Dylan-quite of it.

American food
Elda Poci
On April 14th we has a meeting about the American food.
- What is 'American' food?
Hamburger, hot dog, sandwiches.
- Breakfast
According to a 2005 ABC News Poll, over 70% of Americans over 55 eat breakfast, and about 54% of Americans 18-54 eat breakfast.
The most popular food in America is cold cereal
Other breakfast foods: eggs, bacon, sausage, pancakes, yogurt, toast, fruit, etc.
- Brunch
Combination meal, usually reserved for weekends , special occasions, holidays etc.
Social meal- we don't usually eat brunch alone.
Brunch food includes typical brunch, food.
- Lunch
Quick mid-day meal usually eaten away from home.
Workers eat out or pack (hourly workers hr.break low). More than half of American workers have less 30 minutes to eat lunch.
Lunch food: salads, sandwiches, soups, quick easy portable food.
- Dinner
The final and biggest meal of the day: more often eaten as a group than lunch and breakfast.
39% of American families with children under 18 eat dinner together seven night a week, while 90% eat together at least once a week.
Many families cook dinner, but it is also not uncommon to eat out, especially for individuals/ young people.
Many foods can be many different things. Steak,potatoes, chicken and vegetables are common, but many people also cook Asian, Italian & Mexican dishes.
- Snacks
Americans often eat small things., such as fruit, yogurt, cheese, chips, cookies, nuts & pretzels between meals.
Sometimes Americans skip meals altogether & eat small thing all day long.
- Eating out vs cooking at home
According to a 2005 CBS survey, only 43% of Americans cook at home six or seven nights a week. Eating out is usually more expensive than cooking at home.
Americans can try ethnic restaurants including Chinese, Japanese, Lebanese, Italian, Mexican and French.
- What influences Americans' eating habits?
Time, Age, Money, Social activity, Family size, Ethnic diversity.
the meeting with Ambassador was a great opportunity for us. I feel very lucky that i was part of the group to go and to meet him. The questions that we made to the Ambassador were:1- What is the key of your success as American Ambassador in Albania?" It is easy to be an Ambassador in Albania. The reason is because the relationship between Albania and America has been easy. My college has to be worried about elections in Venezuela because a candidate is pro America and another is anti in Albania. I`m not worried because whoever win would be pro America. During election night i sleep very quiet. The easiest is the public opinion. Albanians are favorable disposed. in other country's i don`t get necessarily gifts. Here in Albania i get the hospitably so soon and so fast."2- Was difficult for you to adopt with Albanian culture?" I have lived in different countries and it wasn`t so easy. Here children are very opened and even at a young age you can find friends. the hospitality here has come so early , in other country's it comes more formally."3-Can you give us the features of American culture?"There are a lot of elements i`m proud of:a-democracy, for Americans democracy is not just a system but a system of believe. Is almost the state of mindb-egalitarianism, Americans believe that we should be judged for ourselves quality not for others quality. A person with ability can be equalc-individualism, we have got some original tendencies. If you ask Amy from Minnesota she would probably say the best words for it. Although they have personal believes they are proud of the country they come from"4-What do you expect from a good interpreter?" I have been fortunate here because i have two interpreters Fredy and Bruna. What i appreciate in them is that they have a real talent. They are not looking my English words but the meaning. When I gave a speech is not important what I said but what you hear"5- How do you think Albania is adopting democracy?" In Albania i see a lot of progress toward democracy. It is based upon a couple of concepts on the diversity of opinion to get your ideas and get the best for all the place. Albania is moving forward, is progressing. Here I`m surprised that young people don`t exert their opinion to their superiors. Of course it can happen here but it takes a lot of movements and activity, it is entirely in your hands. You are the future, insist on it."6-Which is your advice for the students of English branch?" To work absolutely as hard as you can."
Talking about “American” food with Carrien .

On Wednesday 14th April we had a meeting with Carrien talking about American food.
What is “American”food?hamburger,hotdog,sandwich.
Are this foods realy American?Hamburger:Mongolien and Turkish;Hotdog:German arrived in America in 1800s;Sandwich:Mediteranion area,was brought in America with colonists.
Acording to2005ABC News Poll over 70% of Americans over 55eat breakfast,and about54%over 18-54eat breakfast.The most popular breakfast is cereal.Other foods:eggs,bacon,sousage,pancakes,yougurt,toast,fruit ,bagles.
Combination meal used usually for weekends.
Much at mid-day,away from home.warkers eat out of pack,students eat at school.According to 2006USA Today Poll more have 30 min to eat.
Lunch food:salad,sandwich,soup-quick,easy,portable foods.
Te final and the biggist meal of the day.A 2005CBS survey found that 39%of American families with children under 18 eat dinner together every night,while 90%eat together at least once a week.Many families cook dinner at home.Dinner foods are:potatoes,steak,chicken,vegetables,but many cook Asian,Italian,Mexican dishes.
Americans eat small things such as yougurt,fruit,chips,nuts between meals.
Eating out vs cooking at home
According to a 2005CBSsurvey only 43%of Americans cook at home 6 to 7days
Eating out is more expensive
Americans can try ethnic restaurants including:Chinese,Indian,Japanese,Mexican,French,Italian.
What influences Americans eating habits?
3Family size
5Social activity
6Ethnic diversity
Benjamin Franklin(1706-1790)

interpreting course-translation

The European partnership establishes priorities which are both realistic and attainable goals for the country concerned.
The key priorities include:

1-strengthening administrative capacity
2-promoting constructive dialogue between the various stakeholders on the implementation of the reform
3-increasing the independence and transparency of the justice system
4-implementing the 2007-2015 anti-corruption strategy
5-implementing the recommendation on dections made by the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights of the Organization for security and corporation in Europe (OSCE)
6-mending the electoral code, strengthening public- sector governance, pursuing the fight against organized crime, and stabilizing the position of the state electricity company KESH

Partneriteti Europian ofron prioritete te cilat jane ne te njejten kohe realiste dhe te arritshme per perfshirjen e vendit.
Prioritetet kryesore perfshijne:

1-fuqizimin e kapacitetit administrativ
2-promovimin e dialogut konstruktiv permes paleve te ndryshme ne implementimin e reformave
3-rritjen e pavaresise dhe transparencen e sistemit te drejtesise
4-strategjimin e implementimit kunder korrupsionit 2007-2015
5-implementimin e rekomandimeve ne zgjedhjet e bera nga Zyra per Institucionet Demokratike dhe te drejtat e njeriut dhe organizates per sigurim dhe bashkepunim ne Europe(OSCE)
6-rishikimin e kodit elektoral, fuqizimin e qeverisjes se sektorit publik, ndjekjen kunder luftes se krimit te organizuar dhe stabilizimin e pozicionit te kompanise elektrike shteterore KESH


-according to a 2005 ABC News Poll over 70% of American over 55 eat breakfast 54% of Americans 18-54 eat breakfast
-the most popular breakfast food in America is cold cereal
-other breakfast foods: eggs, bacon, sausage, pancakes, toast, fruit, bagels

-combination meal, usually reserved for weekend, special occasions, holidays
-social meal, we don`t usually eat brunch alone

-according to a 2006 USA Today poll more than half American worker have less 30 minute to eat lunch
-lunch food, salads, sandwiches, soups, quick easy portable food
-quick, mid day meal usually eaten away from home
-workers eat out or pack
-students eat at school or pack

the final and the biggest meal of the day: more often eaten as a group than lunch or breakfast
-a 2005 CBS survey found that 39% of American families with children under 18 eat dinner together seven nights a week, while 90% eat together
-many families cook dinner, but it is also not uncommon to eat out especially for individuals young people
-dinner foods can be different things. Steak, potatoes, chicken and vegetables are common but many people also cook Asian, Italian and Mexican dishes

-Americans often eat small things such as fruit, yogurt, cheese, chips, cookies nuts and pretzels between meals
-sometimes American skip meals altogether and eat small things all day long

eating out
-according to a 2005 CBS survey only 43% of Americans cook at home six to seven nights a week
-eating out is usually more expensive than cooking at home
-Americans can try ethnic restaurants including Chinese, Indian, Japanese, Italian, Mexiacan and French

what influences Americans eating habits?
-social activity
-family size
-ethnic diversity


-according to a 2005 ABC News Poll over 70%of Americans over 55 eat breakfast 54% of Americans 18-54 eat breakfast
-the most popular breakfast food in Americans

meeting with Ambassador

the meeting with Ambassador was a great opportunity for us. I feel very lucky that i was part of the group to go and to meet him. The questions that we made to the Ambassador were:

1- What is the key of your success as American Ambassador in Albania?
" It is easy to be an Ambassador in Albania. The reason is because the relationship between Albania and America has been easy. My college has to be worried about elections in Venezuela because a candidate is pro America and another is anti in Albania. I`m not worried because whoever win would be pro America. During election night i sleep very quiet. The easiest is the public opinion. Albanians are favorable disposed. in other country's i don`t get necessarily gifts. Here in Albania i get the hospitably so soon and so fast."

2- Was difficult for you to adopt with Albanian culture?
" I have lived in different countries and it wasn`t so easy. Here children are very opened and even at a young age you can find friends. the hospitality here has come so early , in other country's it comes more formally."

3-Can you give us the features of American culture?
"There are a lot of elements i`m proud of:
a-democracy, for Americans democracy is not just a system but a system of believe. Is almost the state of mind
b-egalitarianism, Americans believe that we should be judged for ourselves quality not for others quality. A person with ability can be equal
c-individualism, we have got some original tendencies. If you ask Amy from Minnesota she would probably say the best words for it. Although they have personal believes they are proud of the country they come from"

4-What do you expect from a good interpreter?
" I have been fortunate here because i have two interpreters Fredy and Bruna. What i appreciate in them is that they have a real talent. They are not looking my English words but the meaning. When I gave a speech is not important what I said but what you hear"

5- How do you think Albania is adopting democracy?
" In Albania i see a lot of progress toward democracy. It is based upon a couple of concepts on the diversity of opinion to get your ideas and get the best for all the place. Albania is moving forward, is progressing. Here I`m surprised that young people don`t exert their opinion to their superiors. Of course it can happen here but it takes a lot of movements and activity, it is entirely in your hands. You are the future, insist on it."

6-Which is your advice for the students of English branch?
" To work absolutely as hard as you can."

meeting with Ambasador

religions life

We have meet American people and we have discuss about religion in America. This meeting was very important because it help us to understand more about religion in America. The questions that were made there are:

1-When two people get married and have different religions background how is their relationship?
if you marry a catholic you have to baptist. if you just stop to go to church you will always be catholic. I have two friends which have a different religion. One is Jewish and the other orthodox but they raise the family as Jewish. Dylan said that he had two married friends with two different religions and their marriage didn`t function and they get divorced after a year. It depends how strict you are on your religion

2-How is the relation between homosexual and religions in America?
Amanda Doll said that everybody is different, there are things in religion that they like or don`t like. In her religion which is catholic you can be homosexual but you can not practice it. Her uncle was homosexual and he left the catholic. He had to leave the church. Trevis who is Jewish said that Judaism has three main religions which are:
a-orthodox in which homosexual are not excepted
b- inform jud which are liberal acceptable
c-conservative which is in the middle of conservative and liberal

3- How much does the religion effect in your life?
and the answers were: someone said zero, someone else quite a bit and Amanda said that her father was a priest, and what she take and what she like she don`t use what she don`t like

about food

-According to a 2005 ABC News Poll over 70% of Americans over 55 eat breakfast
-the most popular breakfast foods in America is cold cereal
-other breakfast foods: eggs, bacon, sausage, pancakes, toast, fruit, bagels

combination meat, usually reserved for weekend, special occasions, holidays
-social meal, we don`t usual eat brunch alone

-according to a 2006 USA Today Poll more than half American workers have less 30 minute to eat lunch
-lunch food, salads, sandwiches, soups, quick easy, portable foods
-quick, mid-day meal usually eaten away from home
-workers eat out or pack
-students eat at school or pack

the final and the biggest meal of the day: more often eaten as a group than lunch or breakfast
-a 2005 CBS survey found that 39% of American family's with children under 18 eat dinner together seven nights a week, while 90%eat together
-many families cook dinner, but it is also not uncommon to eat out especial for individuals young people
-for dinner foods can be many different thing. Steak, potatoes, chicken, and vegetables are common, but many people also cook Asian, Italian and Mexican dishes

-Americans often eat small thing, such as fruit, yogurt, cheese, chips, cookies nuts and pretzels between meals
-sometimes American skip meals altogether and eat small things all day long

eating out
-according to a 2005 CBS survey only 43% of Americans cook at home six to seven nights a week
-eating out is usually more expensive than cooking at home
-Americans can try ethnic restaurant including Chinese, Indian, Japanese, Lebanese, Italian, Mexicans and French

interpreting - the translation of the sentences

1-insecticide- resistant mutating crop destroying insect pest
insekti i demshem per shkaterrimin e prodhimeve eshte shnderruar ne insekt rezistent ndaj insekticideve

2- universally accessible web-based global information clearinghouse
Zyra qendrore universalisht e lejuar me informacionin global te bazuar ne web

3-The European partnership establishes priorities which are both realistic and attainable goals for the country concerned.
The key priorities include:
1-Strengthening, administrative capacity
2-promoting constructive dialogue between the various stakeholders on the implementation of reform
3- increasing the independence and transparency of the justice system
4-implementing the 2007-2015 anti-corruption strategy
5-implementing the recommendation on dections made by the Office for Democratic Institution and Human Rights of the Organization for security and corporation in Europe(OSCE)
6-mending the electoral code, strengthening public-sector governance, pursuing the fight against organized crime, and stabilizing the position of the state electicity company KESH.

Partneriteti Europian ofron prioritete te cilat jane ne te njejten kohe realiste dhe te arritshme per perfshirjen e vendit.
Prioritetet kryesore jane:
1-fuqezimin e kapacitetit administrativ
2-promovimin e dialogut konstruktiv permes paleve te ndryshme ne implementimin e reformave
3-rritjen e pavaresise dhe transparencen e sistemit te drejtesise
4- implementimin e strategjise kunder korrupsionit 2007-2015
5-implementimin e rekomandimeve ne zgjedhjet e bera nga Zyra per Institucionet Demokratike dhe te drejtat e njeriut dhe organizates per sigurim dhe bashkepunim ne Europe(OSCE)
6-Rishikimin e kodit elektoral, fuqizimin e qeverisjes se sektorit publik, ndjekjen kunder luftes se krimit te organizuar dhe stabilizimin e pozicionit te kompanise elektrike shteterore KESH

religions life

This meeting was really nice and important for the religion chapter. It gave us extra information expect of what the book contains.
1- When two people get married and have different religious background, how is their relationship?
(eranda`s question)
If you marry to a catholic you have to baptist. If you just stop to go to church you will always be catholic. I have two friends which have a different religion, one is Jewish and the other orthodox but they raise the family as Jewish, it depends if they discuss and argue about this point. Dulan said that he had two friends with two different religions and their marriage didn`t function and they get divorced after an year. It depends how strict you are on your religion.
2- Are the homosexual in your religions?
Amanda Doll said that everybody is different, there are things in religion that they like or don`t like. in her religion which is catholic you can be a homosexual but you can not practice it. Her uncle was homosexual and he left the catholic. He had to leave the church. Trevis which was Jewish said that Jud ism has three main regions which were:
a- Orthodox in which homosexuals are not acceptable
b-inform Jud - which are liberal, acceptable
c- conservative, which is in the middle of conservative and liberal
3- How much does the religion effect in your life?
Someone said 0, someone else quite a bit and Amanda said that her father was a priest what she take what she like she don`t use what she don`t like

the meeting with the Ambasador

This meeting was really a great opportunity for the students of the English branch so i feel really lucky that i was part of it. The questions that we made there are:
1- What is the key of your success?
" Its easy to be an Ambassador in Albania. the reason is because the relationship between Albanian and U.S has been easy. My college has to be worried about election in Venezuela because a candidate is pro America and another anti in Albania. I`m not worried because whoever win would be pro America. During election night i sleep very quiet. The easiest is the public opinion. Albanians are favorably disposed. In other countries i don`t get necessarily gift."

2- Was it difficult for you to adopt with Albanian culture?
" I have lived in different countries and it wasn`t so easy. Here the children are very opened and even at a young age you can find friends. In any country the hospitality has been so easy in other countries it comes more formally."

3- What are the features of American culture?
" There are a lot of elements i`m proud off:
a- democracy- for Americans democracy is not just a system but a system of belief. Is almost the state of mind
b-egalitarianism- An believe that we should be judged for ourselves quality not our for our father ability. A person with ability can be equal. Is point of America."
c-individualism- We have got some original tendencies. If you ask Amy about Minnesota she would probably say the best words for it. Although they have personal believes they are proud of the country they come from."

4- What do you expect from a good interpreter?
" I have been fortunate here because i have two interpreters Fredy and Bruna. What i appreciate in them is that they have a real gift, a real talent. They`re looking my English words but the meaning. When you give a speech it is not important what i say but what you hear."

5-How do you think Albanian is adopting democracy?
" In Albania i see a lot of progress toward democracy. it is based upon a couple of concepts on the diversity of opinion to get your ideas and get the best for all the place. Albania is moving forward, is progressing. Here i`m surprised that young people don`t ex-tern their opinion to their superiors. of course it can happen here but it takes a lot of movement and activity. It is entirely in your hands, you are the future, insist on it."

6- Which is your advice for the students of the English branch?
" To work absolutely as hard as you can."

meeting with the Ambasador

Letra e Rektorit mbi takimin e studenteve te ENG 276 dhe ENG 263 me Ambasadorin J. Withers

Te nderuar studente,

javen e kaluar nje grup i studenteve te UV-se vizitoi ambasaden Amerikane dhe u takua me ambasadorin amerikan.  Me kane ardhur me dhjetra emaile prej tyre ku shprehet gezimi dhe kenaqsia per kete mundesi. Falenderimet me te mira vijne per UV-ne, per punen qe po behet ketu, dhe per pedagogen Erida Prifti e cila e mundesoi kete takim.

Te gjitheve na behet qejfi.  Ne emer tuaj i urojme ambasadorit pune te mbare. Falenderimet tona per konsideraten dhe per pritjen e studenteve tane!

Me ka bere pershtypje se sa te lumtur e ndjejne veten keta studente te cilet u takuan me ambasadorin, Shume prej tyre e konsiderojne kete dicka te vecante.

Me kujtohet para disa vjetesh kur nje kolegj i vogel ne Amerike fitoi kampionatin e basketbollit per gjithe Ameriken. Studentet vershuan ne fushe. Traineri perpiqej t'i mbante dhe u thoshte "silluni sikur ishte dicka qe pritej, silluni sikur eshte dicka normale".

Edhe ne duhet te sillemi jo te ngazellyer, jo te habitur sepse takuam ambasadorin, sepse keto jane gjera qe priten.

Ju jeni studente te Universitetit te Vlores! Je jeni te denje te shikoni kedo drejt ne sy, pa ju dridhur qerpiku. Ne po ju pregatisim te tille! Por, ju do te beheni te tille vetem kur te filloni ta besoni kete.

Ju pershendes te gjitheve dhe ju siguroj se do te vije nje dite qe studentet tane te takohen me nobeliste e te mos ju dridhet qerpiku. Ne po perpiqemi  te pregatisim eliten e ardhme te Shqiperise, te afte, me besim ne vetvete, te sigurte, me karakter te forte, me respekt vetem per te verteten, pasionante dhe me ndjenja per te dobetin, me dinjitet, me kredibilitet.

Ju do te merrni  ne dore te ardhmen e ketij vendi, dhe per kete ju duhet te filloni te silleni sikur kjo  "ishte dicka qe pritej".



K.T is Christian
Trevis is Jewish
Amanda is Catholic
Dylan in Protestant Catholic
1-When two people get married and have a different religious view, what is the relationship between them?According to Amanda, if one of the spouses is Catholic, the other spouse must be coverted in Catholic to marry each other, and then he or she can do what she or she wants.
According to Dylan, there is no problem is somebody is Catholic or Jewish.
According to K.T, some people that she knew were divorced and the reason was religion, but for her there is no problem if he or she is Catholic or not.
2-Which is the religious position towards homosexuals?
According to dylan, there is no problem if somebody is gay, lesbianor homosexual.
According to Amanda, it is different for her and for the church.For her there is no problem and for the church is not allowed."you can be a gay, but you cannot practice it".
§-How much does the religion influence in your life?
According to Trevis, the influence of religion is zero.
According to Amanda, the influence of religion is a little bit.
Elda Poci
The religion life ( meeting with four American people)
We had a meeting with four American people and we discussed with them about the religion life in America. The invitees was: KT GUSTAFSON ( Christian), DYLAN BYRCL (Protestant), AMANDA DOLL (Catholic) and TRAVIS SABRAN (Jewish).
We made them some questions and two of them were:

1- How much religion influence to you?
Travis: Zero
Dylan: Quite a lot

2- When two people get married and have a different religion views, what is the relationship between them?

Amanda: In catholicism the religion life is too important if you want to married with someone. If one of the spouses is catholic, the other spouse must convert in catholic if they want to marry with each other. But for me it doesn't matter.

KT: The religion for me it is not a problem. But i know some people which are divorced because of the religion.

Trip to Dajt After Meeting with US Ambassador

Te nderuar studente,

javen e kaluar nje grup i studenteve te UV-se vizitoi ambasaden Amerikane dhe u takua me ambasadorin amerikan. Me kane ardhur me dhjetra emaile prej tyre ku shprehet gezimi dhe kenaqsia per kete mundesi. Falenderimet me te mira vijne per UV-ne, per punen qe po behet ketu, dhe per pedagogen Erida Prifti e cila e mundesoi kete takim.

Te gjitheve na behet qejfi. Ne emer tuaj i urojme ambasadorit pune te mbare. Falenderimet tona per konsideraten dhe per pritjen e studenteve tane!

Me ka bere pershtypje se sa te lumtur e ndjejne veten keta studente te cilet u takuan me ambasadorin, Shume prej tyre e konsiderojne kete dicka te vecante.

Me kujtohet para disa vjetesh kur nje kolegj i vogel ne Amerike fitoi kampionatin e basketbollit per gjithe Ameriken. Studentet vershuan ne fushe. Traineri perpiqej t'i mbante dhe u thoshte "silluni sikur ishte dicka qe pritej, silluni sikur eshte dicka normale".

Edhe ne duhet te sillemi jo te ngazellyer, jo te habitur sepse takuam ambasadorin, sepse keto jane gjera qe priten,

Ju jeni studente te Universitetit te Vlores! Je jeni te denje te shikoni kedo drejt ne sy, pa ju dridhur qerpiku. Ne po ju pregatisim te tille! Por, ju do te beheni te tille vetem kur te filloni ta besoni kete.

Ju pershendes te gjitheve dhe ju siguroj se do te vije nje dite qe studentet tane te takohen me nobeliste e te mos ju drighet qerpiku. Ne po perpiqemi te pregatisim eliten e ardhme te Shqiperise, te afte, me besim ne vetvete, te sigurte, me karakter te forte, me respekt vetem per te verteten, pasionante dhe me ndjenja per te dobetin, me dinjitet, me kredibilitet.

Ju do te merrni ne dore te ardhmen e ketij vendi, dhe per kete ju duhet te filloni te silleni sikur kjo "ishte dicka qe pritej".


metting with 4 american people about the religious life

This was a meeting with Amanda,Trevis,Dylan,Kt gustafon.We made same questions to them and here are some of them:
1when 2 peple get married and they have differnt religiou view,whats the relationship beetween them?
amanda:if one of the sposes is catholic the other spouse must be converted in catholic to marry him or her,but for me its not very important,he can do what he want.
dylan:its not problem if someone is catholic or jewish,I knew the parente of my friend,her father is jewish and her mother is catholic and they grew up ther family as jewish.
k.t:i knew some people that were divorsed and the reason was religious,but for me its not problem if he is catolich or not.
2which is the religious pozition towards homosexuals?
dylan:for me its not problem if someone is gay,lezbian or homosexual.
amanda:is different for me and is different for the church,for me its no problem,but for the church is not allowed,you can be a gay but you cant practice the catholic religion.
trevis:hinduism is religion derived from india,its conservativ and and doesnt let the homosexuals,buddism also derived from india.
k.t:is the same as amanda.
3 how much the religion influence on you?
trevis:on me zero.
dylan: on me a little bit,Ican say 70%.
amanda:on me a little because my father was prist before his marriage with my mum.

trevis{my mum is christian my dad is jewish,so Iam jewish}
dylan{protestant catholic}

it was a very nice metting.

meeting with american people about religious life

the american people were k.t gustafson(christian) dylan byrcl (i grow up in protestant christian familyand i grow up in church)amanda(catholic) and travis (my mother is catholic ,my father is jewish.so i am jewish)

the questions were:

1whene to people get married and have different religious view ,how is their relationship towards religious.
amanda if one of the spouses
is catholic the other must convert in catholic to marry him or her,but for me personaly it is not important ,if my husband wants to convert in catholic is ok but if he doesn't is not problem

dylan :it is not problem if some one is jewish or catholic,i knew the parents of my friend on peshkopi her mother was catholic and her father jewish and they rise up the family as jewish .

k.t i knew some families that were divorced and the reason was religious,but for me it isn't problem if he is christian is ok but if he isn;t it is not problem,

2which is the religious position for homosexuals?
amanda ;is different for me and different for the church,you can be homosexual but you can not practise ,so to marry ,or have boy friend.

dylan;for me is ok,if someone is gay lesbian ,or homsexual

k,t the same as amanda

travis;hinduism is religion , derived from india,it is conservativ and doesn't let the homosexuals,buddhism derived also from india.

3how much religion influenc on you ?
travis;for me zero
dylan;quite of it,