Welcome to the ENG 263 Course Blog

Welcome to the ENG 263 Studies in the American Culture, Spring 2010 course blog.

Please feel free to express your impressions, views and opinions based on what has been happening during class.

The Blog is open to all who wish to participate in a respectful exchange of thoughts, ideas, positions, proposals, and anything else that comes up as long as the subject is about the issues that concern the U.S. culture as a whole.

Nevertheless, I must ask the authors to identify themselves at all times.

I hope you enjoy this education experience.

E. Prifti, Course Instructor


Brikelda Nanaj

Today we have meeting with six Americans people,they were 1Megan from(WASHINGTON)2 Becca from (COLORADO)3Allen from(NEW YORK)4Breti from(arizona)5Travis from (TEXAS) and Steph from (alabama), Amy from Minnesota.

the question that we made :
1 relationship betwen men and women?
2do you like albania culture?
3have you ever meet a albanian person in america?
4the diference of universities of albania with them of america?
5the differencies in their countries
6is our accent good or do you like our accent?
7why in america are many single women?
8do you like albanian people?
9the features of your countries?
9texas is known for cowboys,there are many stereotypes,diverse population,more are mexicans.washington it is known for oceans,and for many famous rock groups.
arizona known for high temperature .
alabama is religous area and the food is really good.
colorado ,there are some of ice-sports.
1the relation betwen men and women depends on their relationship ,if it is personal relation ore work relation.
8yes,, albanian people are very hospitable
3all of them said that,they didn't knew any albanian before they come in albania,except of one who has had an albanian neigbhor but hi didn't knew him personaly
6,yes,they sad that our accent is good
2 yes
7 because they afraid of divorce,and they feel good single.
one of them designed albanian map in centre of america map,to say how big is america and it is made by different culture.


Unknown said...

Good questions, Brikelda.
Did you manage to receive answers for them?
What were your impressions and/or reflections during this class?

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