Welcome to the ENG 263 Course Blog

Welcome to the ENG 263 Studies in the American Culture, Spring 2010 course blog.

Please feel free to express your impressions, views and opinions based on what has been happening during class.

The Blog is open to all who wish to participate in a respectful exchange of thoughts, ideas, positions, proposals, and anything else that comes up as long as the subject is about the issues that concern the U.S. culture as a whole.

Nevertheless, I must ask the authors to identify themselves at all times.

I hope you enjoy this education experience.

E. Prifti, Course Instructor


-According to a 2005 ABC News Poll over 70% of Americans over 55 eat breakfast
-the most popular breakfast foods in America is cold cereal
-other breakfast foods: eggs, bacon, sausage, pancakes, toast, fruit, bagels

combination meat, usually reserved for weekend, special occasions, holidays
-social meal, we don`t usual eat brunch alone

-according to a 2006 USA Today Poll more than half American workers have less 30 minute to eat lunch
-lunch food, salads, sandwiches, soups, quick easy, portable foods
-quick, mid-day meal usually eaten away from home
-workers eat out or pack
-students eat at school or pack

the final and the biggest meal of the day: more often eaten as a group than lunch or breakfast
-a 2005 CBS survey found that 39% of American family's with children under 18 eat dinner together seven nights a week, while 90%eat together
-many families cook dinner, but it is also not uncommon to eat out especial for individuals young people
-for dinner foods can be many different thing. Steak, potatoes, chicken, and vegetables are common, but many people also cook Asian, Italian and Mexican dishes

-Americans often eat small thing, such as fruit, yogurt, cheese, chips, cookies nuts and pretzels between meals
-sometimes American skip meals altogether and eat small things all day long

eating out
-according to a 2005 CBS survey only 43% of Americans cook at home six to seven nights a week
-eating out is usually more expensive than cooking at home
-Americans can try ethnic restaurant including Chinese, Indian, Japanese, Lebanese, Italian, Mexicans and French


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