Welcome to the ENG 263 Course Blog

Welcome to the ENG 263 Studies in the American Culture, Spring 2010 course blog.

Please feel free to express your impressions, views and opinions based on what has been happening during class.

The Blog is open to all who wish to participate in a respectful exchange of thoughts, ideas, positions, proposals, and anything else that comes up as long as the subject is about the issues that concern the U.S. culture as a whole.

Nevertheless, I must ask the authors to identify themselves at all times.

I hope you enjoy this education experience.

E. Prifti, Course Instructor


Marsela Malaj

On 31 March we met 7 American people. They were from New York, Colorado, Alabama, Arizona, Texas and Amy from Minnesota. I enjoyed very much this class. I learned new things about their culture. I felt very well with them. I feel like I was drinking cafe with them and we just make a discussion. I like very much the way how they talk. They talk like friends with us. They talk since problems. We make them questions and they answer this questions. The first question was:
- How are the relationship between men and women?

Most of them said that they know their friends in high school and university. They like to pass the time with their friends. Stephanie said that it isn't say that they have to married with the first boy or girl that they meet. They have lot of boyfriends and girlfriends. She said that she has friends that are in her age and were married and also have children. She said that she is 27 and she isn't married and this doesn't make any problem for her. Travis talk about the divorces. He say that his parents were in the third marriage. Stephani said that most of them have the parents divorced. She said that her parents were in the second marriage.
Another question was about the university here in Albania. Travis said that students here in Albania don't have respect for their teachers. Ans he said when we talk somebody in the class smoke or talk with each other.
-Do you feel more safe here in Albania than in the States, after the midnight?
They all said ''Yes we feel safe here in Albania but we are not confortable''
- We asked them an advice how to learn English better and they say that we have to write, read and to speak a lot English. And we ca go out for a cafe with them. than we asked them that who have to pay for the cafe and they say: everybody for their own.


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