On the 31 March we have conference with some guest from America:
1-Rebeca from Colorado
2-Stefany from Alabama
3-Brett from Arizona
4-Alen from New york
5-Trevis from Texas
6-Meghan from Washington
7-Amy from Minnesota
These are some questions that I made to the guest:
1-Wich is the Americans attitude towards newcommers from other countries?
2-According to the text America have a great number of single people,why this large expanded preference? they dont appreciate marriage and the creation of a family or other reasons?
1-Alen:In general doesnt exist a specific attitude mostly this depends from the country that them came from. There are sympathy and disaggrement according to theirs origin.
-Trevis:In my country most of the people have born there or are emigrants from Latin countrys so we dont have so much emigrant from other countries.
-Brett:We have a lot of emigrants most of them from Asia and they have a big influence in our society and we are opened to those people and accept them liberaly.
-Stefany:Our attitude depend from the country they come. In general we are more open to people who come from Asia or Mexico.
-Rebecca:Are a lot of tension in my country about emigration. Is difficult to have good relationship in a country with so much population from different countries. They are almost not accepted.
2-Brett: This is a preference that have to do with mentally ideals. Most of the people are always busy working or other activities so they dont have enought time.
-Stefany:We also have a great number of persons that get married. About the rest is their choice for doing so.
-Rebecca:Womens priority is their education and finding a good job and maybe after that they get married depending from the personal preference.
-Alen:Thats because when you are single you can have a easier life. Also is very expensive to get married and create a family.
-Trevis:Most of them are affraid from divorce and its conseguence. According from what I have known 50% of marriages get divorce.
The interview with them makes me undrestand more the features of the different country about the issues that we disccused. Theirs answers were totally useful and enjoyable to mett persons different from us.
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