Welcome to the ENG 263 Course Blog

Welcome to the ENG 263 Studies in the American Culture, Spring 2010 course blog.

Please feel free to express your impressions, views and opinions based on what has been happening during class.

The Blog is open to all who wish to participate in a respectful exchange of thoughts, ideas, positions, proposals, and anything else that comes up as long as the subject is about the issues that concern the U.S. culture as a whole.

Nevertheless, I must ask the authors to identify themselves at all times.

I hope you enjoy this education experience.

E. Prifti, Course Instructor


Trip to the American Embassy: Suggested questions

Dear students,
I have compiled a list of questions, just to give you a few ideas. Please feel free to copy and paste them in your slot in the Field trip spreadsheet, if you like to use them with the Ambassador.
Also, please think of a symbolic gift we could give the Ambassador.
    * Ambasador Withers, does the Obama Administration consider Albania an Islamic, Christian, or an atheist state?
    * What are the main foreign policy concerns of the Obama administration?
    * What do you think of the Albanian-US relationship today?
    * In your role as Ambassador to Albania, did you find any difficulties having to do with the Albanian culture?
    * What city did you enjoy the most in Albania, and are there any areas you liked in particular?
    * Many Americans do not speak a foreign language. How do you think this could be changed, and is the US Embassy in Albania involved in any language programs?
    * How do you think the Albanians view President Obama, and vice versa for Americans’ opinion of President Topi?
    * Does the US Embassy keep up regular contact with all of the major Albanian political parties?
    * What do you like most about Albania?
    * If students are interested in diplomatic careers, what advice would you give them?
    * You hold a PhD in Modern Chinese History. Do you see any similarities between China and Albania, considering the common communist background of the two countries?
    * For two years you were a Political Officer in Moscow, Russia. What was similar and what was different in your experience in living in these two countries?
    * Ambasador Withers, for the last 25 years you have been living in the Netherlands, in Nigeria, in Russia, in Albania, but not in the US. What do you consider to be your personal culture?
    * How often do you make use of an interpreter in your everyday interactions?
    * Do you require that interpreters be formally trained in interpreting skills before hiring them?
    * What do you value most in an interpreter?
E. Prifti


malvina kotja said...


In March 25 we met some American people from different place of USA who were:Steph from Alabama;Rebecca from Colorado;Meghan from Washington;Brett from Arizona;Trevis from Texas and Alan from New York.
Between questions which we did some of them are:
1-which is the process of inviting someone in America?
The answer was the same from everyone that this process of inviting depended from the kind of event;that was formal and informal invitation;and from kind of persons which you want to invite.
2-What are some features in USA?
From Trevis--exciste some stereotypes which we can say that are really "especial" like cowboys,Texas have not minority diverse.
From Meglan---in Washington is high economy,sea,and it's music is very popular.
From Brett--In Arizona is very hot,no rain.
From Steph--In my country is mabey a strong mentality,like going in church etc.
From Rebecca--Colorado have tall mounts,in winter we can skiing snow,
3-What is the attitude of new comers in America?
Alan-we are friendly and accept them
Trevis-normally that is not a strange attitude because all city is with emigrants,and normally we accept them.
Meglan-more emigrants are from japan,and from azia,we have not very contact with them,everyone see him/her work.
Brett-my country is very popular with emigrants,and economy depend from emigrant's work so we have a normally attitude
Steph-people are more open with emigrants and accept other people without problem.
Becca-they take jobs the other Americans
4-What is your advice for students here in Vlora?
Maybe to have more contacts with American people
5-How is our accent in Eng language?
becca said that in Peshkopi their eng language is better than us,but our way of speaking eng is better than japan language,in totally is really good,good impression
6-The relationship between men and woman
these depends from the person,not from country,are personally relationship work relationship etc
7-Is USA reserved population?
Brett depended from the person or relation that you have with the others,are things that are personal and others that can be told

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