The European partnership establishes priorities which are both realistic and attainable goals for the country concerned.
The key priorities include:
1-strengthening administrative capacity
2-promoting constructive dialogue between the various stakeholders on the implementation of the reform
3-increasing the independence and transparency of the justice system
4-implementing the 2007-2015 anti-corruption strategy
5-implementing the recommendation on dections made by the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights of the Organization for security and corporation in Europe (OSCE)
6-mending the electoral code, strengthening public- sector governance, pursuing the fight against organized crime, and stabilizing the position of the state electricity company KESH
Partneriteti Europian ofron prioritete te cilat jane ne te njejten kohe realiste dhe te arritshme per perfshirjen e vendit.
Prioritetet kryesore perfshijne:
1-fuqizimin e kapacitetit administrativ
2-promovimin e dialogut konstruktiv permes paleve te ndryshme ne implementimin e reformave
3-rritjen e pavaresise dhe transparencen e sistemit te drejtesise
4-strategjimin e implementimit kunder korrupsionit 2007-2015
5-implementimin e rekomandimeve ne zgjedhjet e bera nga Zyra per Institucionet Demokratike dhe te drejtat e njeriut dhe organizates per sigurim dhe bashkepunim ne Europe(OSCE)
6-rishikimin e kodit elektoral, fuqizimin e qeverisjes se sektorit publik, ndjekjen kunder luftes se krimit te organizuar dhe stabilizimin e pozicionit te kompanise elektrike shteterore KESH
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